

来源: | 发布日期:4个月前 | 浏览次数:

  ### 河南安阳市手机屏蔽仪出租租赁成功案例


  #### 需求背景


  #### 选择缘通租赁的理由

  1. **专业性与灵活性**:缘通租赁在手机屏蔽仪出租领域拥有丰富的经验,能够根据客户需求提供量身定制的租赁方案。对于本次考试,缘通不仅提供了高性能的屏蔽设备,还安排了技术人员提前到校进行场地勘测与设备安装,确保覆盖无死角。

  2. **成本控制**:相较于直接购买,租赁服务显著降低了学校的经济负担。缘通租赁提供了灵活的租赁周期,学校仅需支付考试期间的租金,无需承担设备后续的维护升级费用。

  3. **一站式服务**:从设备选型、安装调试到现场技术支持,缘通租赁提供了一站式服务,让学校无需担心任何技术难题,专心于考试的组织与管理。

  #### 成功举办的细节

  - **前期准备**:缘通租赁的技术团队提前一周抵达学校,对考场进行了全面的信号测试,根据测试结果优化了屏蔽仪的布局,确保考场内无信号死角。同时,他们还对监考老师进行了简单的操作培训,确保在紧急情况下能够迅速响应。

  - **考试当天**:随着考试铃声的响起,所有屏蔽仪同步启动,考场内瞬间陷入了“静默”状态,手机等无线通讯设备完全失去了信号。监考老师们反馈,以往考试中常见的隐蔽作弊行为明显减少,考场秩序井然。

  - **客户反馈**:考试结束后,学校教务处对缘通租赁的服务给予了高度评价。他们认为,租赁手机屏蔽仪不仅有效遏制了作弊行为,保障了考试的公正性,还极大地提升了监考效率,减轻了监考老师的压力。同时,缘通租赁的专业态度和服务质量也赢得了学校的信赖,表示未来有类似需求时,将继续选择合作。

  #### 结语



  ### English Version

  **Successful Case of Mobile Phone Signal Blocker Rental in Anyang, Henan Province**

  In the digital era, information security and exam fairness have become top concerns for various sectors of society. A prestigious high school in Anyang, Henan, recently faced an important mid-term examination. To ensure the fairness and seriousness of the exam, preventing students from cheating with mobile phones and other electronic devices, the school management decided to introduce temporary mobile phone signal blockers. After much comparison and consideration, they chose Yuantong Rental as their partner, renting a batch of high-performance blockers to safeguard the smooth progress of the exam.


  With the prevalence of smartphones, cheating methods in exams have become increasingly diversified. Traditional invigilation methods can no longer meet the needs of modern exam management. The school deeply understood that safeguarding the purity of exams at critical moments is not only a test of students integrity but also a reflection of the schools teaching quality. Therefore, the school urgently needed a quick, effective, and cost-controllable solution to address the upcoming exam challenge.

  **Reasons for Choosing Yuantong Rental**

  1. **Professionalism and Flexibility**: Yuantong Rental has extensive experience in mobile phone signal blocker rentals and can provide customized rental solutions based on customer needs. For this exam, Yuantong not only provided high-performance blockers but also arranged technical personnel to conduct site surveys and equipment installation in advance to ensure complete coverage.

  2. **Cost Control**: Compared to direct purchase, rental services significantly reduce the schools financial burden. Yuantong Rental offers flexible rental periods, allowing the school to pay only the rental fee during the exam period without incurring subsequent maintenance and upgrade costs.

  3. **One-stop Service**: From equipment selection, installation and debugging to on-site technical support, Yuantong Rental provides a one-stop service, freeing the school from any technical difficulties and allowing it to focus on exam organization and management.



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